
Home Publications
Quarterly Tax Newsletters - 07-19-2021

June 2021 Worldwide Tax Update

In this second quarterly issue for 2021, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world, with each followed by a PKF commentary that provides further insight and information on the matters discussed.

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Other Publications - 05-05-2021


The Finance Act 2020, which came into effect on 1st January 2021, amended Sections 18(1) of the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority Act (NEPZA) and Oil and Gas Free Zone Authority Act (OGFZA) respectively.

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Tax Guides

Worldwide Tax Guide 2020 - 2021

Our flagship yearly publication, the Worldwide Tax Guide (WWTG), has just been released. This incredibly thorough and comprehensive report details the taxation and business regulation regimes of the world’s most significant trading countries, this year comprising 146 jurisdictions.

Given that a country’s tax regime is always a key factor for any business considering moving into new markets, this guide helps to answer accountancy professionals’ and international businesses’ most pressing questions when looking to expand or set up in a new jurisdiction, including around corporate tax rates, incentives for overseas businesses, whether there are double tax treaties in place, and how foreign source income might be taxed.

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Finance Act - 02-11-2021

Finance Act 2020

In fulfilment of his promise to issue a Finance Act annually to accompany the nation’s budget, the President, Muhammadu Buhari presented the 2020 Finance Bill to the National Assembly on 8th October 2020.
According to the President, the Finance Bill would support the implementation of the 2021 budget through key reforms in taxation, customs, excise, fiscal and other laws.

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Quarterly Tax Newsletters -06-03-2020

June 2020 Newsletter

In the second edition of the 2020 quarterly issue, the PKF Worldwide Tax Newsletter brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world, with each followed by a PKF commentary which provides further insight and information on the matters discussed.

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Other Publications -04-30-2020


Following series of enquiries that my team and I have received on the implications of the palliative measures on tax arrears which arise as a result of desk review, tax audit and investigation, the service wishes to reassure all taxpayers with outstanding tax debt that interests and penalties will be waved, should they pay...

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Other Publications -04-04-2020

PKF Nigeria - COVID 19 Bulletin

The freedom of being your own boss and making your own choices is what drives many of our clients to set up their own businesses and become entrepreneurs.

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Other Publications -07-26-2019

Getting help for your business – and yourself

The outbreak of the deadly Corona virus, Covid-19 Pandemic has thrown the entire world into a near state of panic, with national governments announcing various measures aimed at containing the spread of the disease. Many states and cities are on complete lockdown and the effects of economic disruption are being felt by businesses irrespective of the size or sector.

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Quarterly Tax Newsletters -07-15-2019

September 2019 Newsletter

In this third 2019 quarterly issue, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update newsletter brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world...

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Quarterly Tax Newsletters -04-18-2019

June 2019 Newsletter

In this second 2019 quarterly issue, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update newsletter brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world...

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